Blog Contest + Accomplishments of the Week - Aug 21, 2018

par Debbie Sullivan août 22, 2018 48 Commentaires

New colour experiments on Messa di Voce yarn

For the past few months we've been using this blog to celebrate our accomplishments, both big and small, and we want to celebrate your accomplishments too! And because we love to send special packages in the mail, we'll be giving away a prize. Please see the end of this post for all the details.

This summer has been very full, mostly of good things, but sometimes it gets a bit hard to keep up. So this week I've tried to focus on some accomplishments that are about taking care of myself, and allowing myself time to play. 


New yarn colour experimentation. I've had a few new colours in my head that I want to add to our range for our Messa di Voce, Minuet and Andante yarns, and I took some time to play in the dye pots with some possibilities this week. They still need a bit of work to finalize the recipes, but they're getting close, and I'm excited to try them out on all three base yarns.  


Our granola jar was empty. Now it is full. This one is very important because I get quite grumpy when I don't get a good breakfast!

Pans of fresh home made granola


I eradicated the horribly contagious Blue Bumps! Actually, the real accomplishment was finally gathering our Pandemic Legacy group together to get a game in. This is a special version of the original cooperative board game where the rules change each time you play, depending on your actions and choices.

Pandemic Legacy game board

We'd started playing together last year, and had been getting a game in every month or two until the spring, but then people's summer schedules got in the way so this was our first chance to play since May. I'm happy to report that we've won several rounds in a row, and are well on our way to solving the mystery of the terrible COdA virus. 


Last but not least, I went to the Twist Festival, and wasn't there for work! Honestly, this was the first time I'd ever been to a yarn and fibre show that I wasn't vending at, so it was a bit of a novel experience. I didn't take many photos there, but one of my favourite booths was Cactus Yarn Studio, I loved their rainbow spiral display.  

Cactus Yarn Studio Twist booth

It was great to be able to spend the afternoon there connecting with old friends, and making some new ones. One of the more intriguing new-to-me booths was Faveur, a local soap maker who has a line of organic liquid soaps for delicates. I unfortunately ran out of time to go back and buy it on Saturday, but I'm planning to track some down soon and give it a try. 

Faveur organic delicate wash

I also got to meet for the first time the lovely ladies behind Vive la Laine, and made my only purchase of the day from them: a handy notebook, beautifully illustrated by Katrinn Pelletier

Vive la laine notebook and sweater sleeve in progress

All in all it was a lovely afternoon, and to top it off I went with friends which meant that I didn't have to drive and I could knit in the car! This may not seem like a big deal, but since the two people I travel with the most frequently don't have licenses, it's been a while since I got some good backseat knitting done. I cast on this sweater sleeve on the way there, and am pretty happy with how it's coming along. 


Blog contest prize pack

Now, to celebrate your accomplishments, we're giving away this prize package containing:

  • a knitting themed to-do list to help keep you on track
  • some lovely hibiscus rose petal tea to enjoy while working on your endeavors
  • of one skein of Presto in a colour of your choice - this bulky yarn is great for instant gratification knitting!

To enter, simply comment below and tell us what you've accomplished recently. It can be something big or small, knitting related or not. Contest closes at midnight EST on Wednesday August 29th.

Contest is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who shared their accomplishments this past week. It was truly inspiring to read them and we are cheering you all on! Congratulations to our winner, Karly, who will be receiving the prize package including a skein of Presto in the Stained Glass colourway!

Debbie Sullivan
Debbie Sullivan


48 Réponses


août 30, 2018

We sold our home of 26 years in the spring and spent the summer packing and moving. It is finally over and I’m now back to enjoying my cottage (now my home) and am enjoying knitting hats for charity (finished 8 so far),


août 29, 2018

Finally went out to Twist, and had a child-free day! Said child has now started grade one, to boot. And! i’m halfwaydone my summer shawl.


août 29, 2018

I finally found something that works to motivate my kids to want to work on practicing their letters, read more books, tidy up, and to try to be kind to each other.


août 28, 2018

I finally started working on the heel of my first sock. 😊


août 26, 2018

Helped my daughter get her drivers permit and finished back to school shopping.


août 26, 2018

I had all five of my grandchildren, three boys and two girls (ages 5-10) all together for the last week before school starts. Fun and exhausting!


août 25, 2018

I’ve done about 120 km of walking this month and I’m on track to hit my goal of 150 in August. I’ve also cast on some delicious yarn that was sitting in the stash for too long.


août 25, 2018

Congrats on all accomplishments to everyone here! For me:
I have succesfully learned garter shortrows, getting me closer to knitting a sock.


août 25, 2018

Such wonderful comments and achievements. So lovely for everyone to read. My achievement is an on going renovation project. Lots of new DIY jobs learnt. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer. On the knitting front it is to have finally knit a sock. :)


août 24, 2018

Since the birth of my daughter a year ago, I promised myself to spend an entire day with my son only. I did it yesterday and it was so great for him and me. Hope he will remember him as I do.

Adam H
Adam H

août 24, 2018

Finally made it back to the gym this month and have stuck with it. Also cast on the Crescedo experimentation #9 for That Night There We’re Roses. 30 rows in and so far so good!


août 24, 2018

I finally made the time to go see the doctor … I had only been feeling for two or three months … ;-)

Nicole Acuna
Nicole Acuna

août 24, 2018

I managed to knit 5 pairs of socks in one month! Which is a huge thing for me :) and I was able to clean my whole bedroom without my 6 year old daughters interruption lol (thanks to my helpful sweet 13 year old).

Connie Kline
Connie Kline

août 24, 2018

My biggest accomplishment is cleaning my garage. I usually clean and sort every year but last year due to family illnesses it didn’t get done, so this year I procrastinated until I couldn’t stand it and finally got it done. No knitting finishes but I have been working on WIPs – so finishes should be coming soon.


août 24, 2018

I finally learned how to knit cables!!


août 24, 2018

I’ve been working on my UFO list along with my Christmas knitting. Finished the back of a sweater this week

Martina White
Martina White

août 24, 2018

My biggest recent accomplishment is not that big but it is a good sign lol. I was able to reactive my sour dough starter and make some bread. I’ve been having a rough year and haven’t been able to successfully make bread or do a lot of things I would normally do. Making the bread is a good start.
PS on the knitting side, I learned how to knit brioche!

Abigail J Johnson
Abigail J Johnson

août 24, 2018

Recently retired so I’m getting back to knitting. I just finished a 10 foot “Madison” shawl/wrap in a graduating purple. This morning, I’m looking at my stash to decide on my next project. So delightful to immerse myself in something I love.


août 24, 2018

After 20 years of crocheting, I’ve finally learned to knit this summer! I just cast on for my first sweater


août 24, 2018

I recently submitted my master’s thesis for defence. I have been working on it part-time for 4 years.

Karly L
Karly L

août 24, 2018

i finished my first fair isle project


août 24, 2018

I learned ow to do broomstick lace!!!!


août 24, 2018

Painting the house! We hired someone for the main floor, but I’m almost done upstairs. While still working and knitting ;-)
I’ve really been enjoying your blog series and find it motivates me to focus on what I have accomplished as well, however small!


août 24, 2018

This summer, i wanted to just play with yarn, knit for fun. I teach knitting, write patterns and so much of what i choose to knit is related to it. So i started 10 projects and tryed patterns just for fun or for me and my family.


août 24, 2018

i currently have 3 project im actively working on, more that at awaiting attention. The 3 active projects have not been cooperating with me. I will not let them win! I am perservering no matter that the socks were finished once and ripped out twice, that the tank is on it’s 3rd try or the shawl was down to it’s last few rows and then ripped half way back! My accomplishments are still to come.


août 24, 2018

started a new business yoga course

Lisa Charpentier
Lisa Charpentier

août 24, 2018

Recovering from recent back surgery. I solved a mystery. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t knit for the year and a half before surgery. I thought well I’m sitting here, might as well do something. But then Little by little I stopped picking up my yarn, stopped looking at Ravelry, Pinterest, my Little Shiny Frog instagram. Turns out there is a point where battling pain will suck out your creativity. My hands wouldn’t form the stitches. It was the weirdest thing. Today, even though I’m still on a lot of narcotic painkillers and still quite flaky from them, I finished the first part of the yoke on my Comfort Fade Cardi!!! I’m so excited!
Nicole S
Nicole S

août 24, 2018

It’s a little thing, but it feels like a big step: I swatched for a sweater.

Anne Marie Hart
Anne Marie Hart

août 23, 2018

I took a shower today! In my world that is an accomplishment! I also edited a knitting pattern for a client start to finish in one day. Wahoo!!


août 23, 2018

After much procrastinating I finally went through my digital photos and organized them into albums with descriptions for each photo.

Martha Judith
Martha Judith

août 23, 2018

This year I’ve managed to restart my academic path with a new direction- natural history and paleontology. I’ve also reached my two craft-related goals of learning to spin with a drop spindle and learn to crochet!! I just spun some musk ox wool my mom gifted to me, I’ve just got to figure out what to do with it now.

Lorna Champagne
Lorna Champagne

août 23, 2018

i just finished knitting the Autumn Hike Hoodie for my oldest grandson for Christmas. i loved the pattern, and the fact that it is knit in one piece…the first time I have tried that.

Andrea L-J
Andrea L-J

août 23, 2018

I got towel racks up in our bathroom this week! No more sharing one rack three ways. :)


août 23, 2018

I’ve already won one of your prizes from a KAL, so don’t pick me—but I just really want to brag (?) / celebrate / testify :) . I put together a new course and started teaching it today, and I’m feeling excited by its possibilities and like I’m doing something good. That good feeling about my work feels like an accomplishment.


août 23, 2018

I started writing and selling my own patterns :)


août 23, 2018

I finished the Curious Handmade Ivy Over The Door wrap which is beautiful but huge and as I was knitting I kept thinking about how many sweaters I could be making instead. I will will be happy to have the wrap in the Fall.


août 23, 2018

I’ve spent a lot of time lately knitting and reknitting ideas for sock patterns with non traditional construction. Just when I was beginning to think it would be only for my own entertainment, I had one accepted for a submission.
Who can choose just one colour? Beautiful


août 23, 2018

We moved to a new town with two small children and so far we have all survived! That’s my biggest latest accomplishment, my small accomplishment was finding the LYS and falling in love with it!

suzannee jewison
suzannee jewison

août 23, 2018

this year i visited my local buddhist temple for the first time and look forward to returning. i also abseiled for the first time, as someone with mobility problems this was a major operation for a very small drop but i did it!

Vincent Deslandes
Vincent Deslandes

août 23, 2018

This week I finished my first complete project since I started knitting again. I had a sweater that was 95% done, but this week I finished a shawl for my mom!

Michelle J. Iseman
Michelle J. Iseman

août 23, 2018

My sister-in-law passed away from pancreatic cancer in February. I donated my hair, 11 inches or 27.94 cm of it to charity in April. In July, I started knitting hats for other people who are suffering through cancer. I am knitting summer, fall, and winter hats. As it turns out, my hat collection is going to help a family friend who was just diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Whatever I can do to help others with my talent, I will do it, including creating hat patterns (I am a long time sock knitter and sock designer).


août 23, 2018

I have managed to harvest a freezer full of fruits and veggies from my garden. I also finished knitting a sweater and weaving a shawl that I had meaning to do for over a year. I would love to try your yarn!

Isabelle Pirro
Isabelle Pirro

août 23, 2018

Hoping to see you at the Twist, there was the first time i’ve meet you 2 years ago.
I have finally ended my Sumile last week. It is fabuleux! Fresh mornings permit me to wear it!
I have started a cowl with your green yarn et a little top for my little girl Charlotte.
So happy to leave this morning for my vacations near by the Fleuve St-Laurent. Practicing presence in everything moment is my intention :-)


août 23, 2018

I finally cast on a sweater for myself! Its the Zweig and only my 2nd ever adult sweater. I knit my 1st sweater 6 years ago!


août 23, 2018

I finished my first colourwork sweater. I also made jam for the first time, and I was surprised at how easy it was.


août 23, 2018

I completed my first ever pair of socks! I loved making them & already have a second paur underway.


août 22, 2018

Managed to sort through and organize my entire stash and books, magazines, and single patterns!


août 22, 2018

I managed three weeks of summer vacation with my kids mostly solo and everyone survived! :)

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Meet the Designer: Nidhi Kansal of knidhiknits
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