Montreal Knitting Teas at La Société Textile

by Debbie Sullivan August 22, 2017

Montreal Knitting Teas at La Société Textile

We are very excited to announce that we will be continuing our monthly knitting teas this fall at a new home, La Société Textile! Our first knitting tea of the season will be on Saturday, September 23 from 1:30 to 4:30pm.


Societé Textile interior

We really enjoyed last year's knitting tea café tour, which led us to some wonderful independent coffee and tea shops all around Montreal. But our favourite little cafés are often just that - little - and our group is getting a bit too big to squeeze into some of the smaller locations. So for this year we decided it would be best to choose somewhere we could meet regularly and be sure to have enough room for everyone. We immediately thought of La Société Texile (where we had such a good time at our holiday party last December) and they have graciously agreed to host all of our teas this fall in their new location at 257 rue Bernard.

knitting tea treats

One of the great things about meeting there is their "anti-cafe" setup. The way an anti-cafe works is that clients pay for the time they spend in the space (the price includes access to tea and coffee) and are allowed to bring their own food. So for the Sweet Paprika teas the cost will be $6 per person, and we can all bring goodies to share. I'm looking forward to doing some baking this fall!

scones knitting tea

For those of you who like to plan ahead, the dates for all of our upcoming teas this fall will be:

  • September 23
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • December 9

And if you're not the plan ahead type, don't worry, we'll be posting reminders on Ravelry and Facebook closer to each date. We're looking forward to catching up with everyone next month! 




Debbie Sullivan
Debbie Sullivan


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