November can be a challenging month for those of us dealing with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). I've used light therapy at some points in the past, but the best way I've found to deal with it (for me) is to be proactive. Choose to live in housing with most natural light possible, get outside everyday, be physically active, and plan things to look forward to.
Several years ago my sister Margaret and I came up with a little activity to get us through the month of November and we decided to repeat the project this year. We each came up with 15 actions to make our day more fun.
They're not big things, but little things that are easy to do and can help brighten up the day. Between the two of us we have 30, one for each day of November, and each evening we're randomly picking an action for the next day.
Margaret has named our project #OperationLoveNovember and we've been sharing photos of our little missions everyday on Instagram stories and Facebook stories. Please feel free to play along with us, make up your own actions, use the #OperationLoveNovember hashtag, and share your stories. We're halfway through November already - here's to a great rest of the month!
P.S. The action for today, November 16th, is to make a cup of chai. If you need a recipe, you can find my husband's recipe here on the blog!
2 Réponses
Thank you Melanie for your lovely note! I agree that making an effort to deliberately change your outlook can make a big difference. I love the idea of #winteroptimism and will be trying to keep this in mind this winter :)
I absolutely love this article, and I plan to implement this idea in future 😊 Three or four years ago, I started making a determined effort to find something beautiful/fun in the grey days; I documented them and marked them #winteroptimism. It took off locally, and has helped a great deal.
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