Diary of a Dye Studio Intern: Volume 1
Annie, one of our interns in the dye studio this spring, has been documenting her experience so far. Here's a little taste of what it's like behind the scenes from her perspective.
Today, I mixed some blue dye. Like with the other colors, we have to be very careful with the recipe. Mixing colors feels like being in Breaking Bad. With my gloves, my apron and my mask, I probably look like a mad scientist. It’s probably my favorite task, creating beautiful colors.
Blood of Your Enemies
Today I mixed red dye. This time it felt like I was covering evidence of a terrible crime! The red is very rich so it definitely looks like blood. The feeling of being in Breaking Bad definitely came back! After, I dyed a couple a skeins with my mix. It was really nice to use the dye right after, it gave me the chance to see the direct result. And yes, it looks amazing!
Dirty Like Your Old Sock
The task of the day was to wash fleece. We had to weigh it, put it into little mesh bags and give it at least 3 rinses. I had never touched wool as it is on a sheep before. Even if it was dirty, it was really fun and smooth to play with! It has a very special texture! And yes, it is quite satisfying to take all the mud away, oh la la!
Twist and Shout
Today I wound tiny skeins for samples. It is so much more fun that what it looks like. Since the yarn is super soft, you get to play with its smooth texture and it is so satisfying. And once the skeins are twisted, they are all fluffy and very fun to squish!
We're looking forward to hearing more about Annie's experience next week in Volume 2. Stay tuned!
1 Response
I love the Breaking bad analogy ! Educational and comical, great combination.
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